• Edy Sigit Sutarta
Keywords: Water Management, Coconut Cultivation


Coconut has been traditionally cultivated in tidal swampy areas by farmers for a long time. Coconut growth in this area needs a good water management system, besides fertilization. Flooding in this area not only retards coconut growth, but also reduces production. A water management system, mainly‑drainage has been used by farmers depend­ing on conditions of the area and farmer's abilities. Functions and types of water management system that have been used for coconut cultivation in tidal swampy areas are discussed.


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How to Cite
Edy Sigit Sutarta. (1990). WATER MANAGEMENT IN TIDAL SWAMPY AREAS FOR COCONUT CULTIVATION. CORD, 6(02), 34. https://doi.org/10.37833/cord.v6i02.241